For immediate release: August 28, 2023

Fort Wayne, Ind. – Friendly, the Clean Drains Fort Wayne spokes-otter, invites everyone who loves our rivers to join her on Clean the Drains Day, September 23. Sign up today. Don’t delay.
Outfitted with the Clean the Drains’ kit, you and your team of friends, neighbors, co-workers or schoolmates can clear and mark our storm drains, then rendezvous at Promenade Park at noon for pizza and a big Friendly the Otter pat on the back.
Register now at and become part of this rewarding community-wide effort to protect our neighborhoods and rivers.
Clean the Drains Day is sponsored by Friends of the Rivers and City Utilities, but our rivers belong to all of us, and depend on each of us to keep them clean.
Volunteers can clear storm drains of debris and trash and then mark them with a special medallion on September 23 or any day that week. Groups and individuals should register at
Drain Stormers will receive a kit with all the equipment and instructions needed and a commemorative tee shirt for each volunteer. Challenge one another to do the most or add this to a morning walk. Every storm drain cleared and marked is a badge of honor for our community.
Our humble storm drains, the gateways to our rivers, may be inconspicuous, but their role in our city is paramount. Storm drains protect our homes, roads and local waterways from the dangers of flooding by channeling rainwater safely away. But when they’re clogged, they can cause street flooding or push pollutants like leaves, plastics, animal waste and other garbage into our rivers.
Time is short. Be a part of this vital community event. Sign up by September 2, 2023, for Clean the Drains Day.