What is Stormwater?
Stormwater is exactly what it sounds like. When it rains, or when snow melts, water that is not soaked into the ground may run off lawns or pavement and go directly into a storm drain, and then straight into a nearby river or creek. City Utilities is responsible for managing both stormwater quality and quantity and has been mandated by federal and state regulators to reduce the amount of pollution reaching the rivers. Pollution prevention involves a number of projects, including those outlined in the Long Term Control Plan for Combined Sewer Overflows, the associated Consent Decree and the Stormwater Quality Management Plan.
Who Manages the Stormwater?
City Utilities has responsibility for operating, maintaining, and improving an extensive system of open waterways and enclosed storm sewer lines. This system exists to collect the rainwater that runs off yards, roofs, streets, and parking lots, and to carry it away from neighborhoods to nearby rivers. Without a stormwater collection system, every rainstorm could turn into a flood. Thanks to the stormwater system, when Fort Wayne’s rivers flood, it is usually caused by runoff from areas upstream, not poor drainage within the City.
The stormwater system contains more than 700 miles of sewer lines, ditches, open channel, and drains. It covers more than 92 square miles and serves approximately 88,000 residential and commercial customers inside the boundaries of Fort Wayne.
The utility must also ensure that all state and federal requirements are met for improving the quality of stormwater runoff. Because most stormwater receives no treatment before it goes into a stream, lake, or river, it is important that we keep as many pollutants as possible out of stormwater runoff. Efforts to address this pollution runoff are outlined in the City’s Stormwater Quality Management Plan.
How is Stormwater Management Paid For?
The services of the stormwater utility are paid for by a monthly fee added to sewer and water bills. All residential and non-residential customers of Fort Wayne City Utilities pay monthly fees to support the system. Some fees are based upon the amount of impervious land (land with a hard surface that won’t absorb rainwater such as driveways, rooftops, and sidewalks). The Utilities’ authority for collecting this fee is found in Chapter 53 of City Code and Indiana Code 8-1.5-5. Specific rate information are posted on the rates page.
How Are Stormwater Utility Funds Spent?
The Stormwater Utility has a budget of approximately $11 million per year. This money is spent:
- Repairing, replacing, and improving the stormwater drainage system
- Cleaning drainage inlets and catch basins
- Maintaining swales and ditches
- Ensuring compliance with the EPA’s Clean Water Act
- Administering programs to provide cleaner water to the residents of Fort Wayne
- Monitoring and controlling pollution levels in stormwater that is returned to the rivers
- Implementing projects outlined in the Consent Decree
Through Catching Rain, City Utilities is taking an active role in reducing the amount of stormwater that reaches rivers and creeks. Learn about ways you can help us catch the rain and keep pollution out of our rivers and creeks.
Other Frequently Asked Questions
Want to know more about storm drain inlets, pollution sources, or maintenance?