Looking for information to share with your neighborhood or community group? City Utilities has developed a series of pre-written articles on topics of interest to neighborhood residents that you may download for use on a neighborhood website, in a neighborhood newsletter or in other neighborhood publications. We only ask that you give credit to Fort Wayne City Utilities as the source of the information contained in the article. City Utilities also publishes a variety of resource materials including brochures and fact sheets. You will find those below.
If you have questions or need more information about any of the topics shown below please contact City Utilities at (260) 427-6051.
Pre-Written Articles for download
- What to Expect During Construction in Your Neighborhood
- Preparing for Heavy Precipitation
- Protect Yourself From Sewer Backups
- The Word on Wipes: Rethinking What We Flush
- Preparing Your Plumbing for Winter
- Be a Storm Drain Steward
- What is Sediment Pollution?
- Cold Weather Tips From Fort Wayne City Utilities
- Preventing Mercury Pollution
- Polite Pet Ownership is Picking Up
- Only Rain in the Storm Drain
- Where Does My Drinking Water Come From?
- Cease the Grease
- Car Care for Pollution Prevention
- Water leak detection
- What is a CSO?
- Preventing CSOs
- What is stormwater pollution?
- Taming Invasive Species and Knowing Which Plants to Avoid
Brochures and other publications
- Are You a Water Polluter?
- Stormwater Drainage Responsibilities
- Household Hazardous Waste
- Mercury Household Identification Checklist
- Carpet Cleaning
- History of the Clean Water Act
- Become a Storm Drain Steward
- Green Landscaping – Lawn Care Practices to Protect Water Quality
- Lightbulb Disposal Locations
- Managing Pet Waste
- Mercury Spill Clean Up
- Washing Your Car
- Downspout Disconnection
- Composting Fact Sheet
- Grasscycling Fact Sheet
- Pool and Spa Maintenance
- Auto Maintenance