
Each day, over 27 dry tons of material is left over after Fort Wayne’s Water Pollution Control Plant treats and cleans wastewater. This material is stabilized in large tanks before is is piped to the Biosolids Handling Facility. The facility has 105 acres of drying basins where the material is turned regularly and air-dried for more than two years before it is mixed with composted leaves from the City’s annual leaf collection program. This biosolids material is then sold to farmers and made available at little or no cost to residents. Biosolids are regularly tested for safety and to determine the amount of nutrients in the material.

Biosolids Nutrient Information – Spring 2023

The Biosolids Handling Facility processes and sells residual lime after it has been used to soften Fort Wayne’s drinking water at the Three Rivers Water Filtration Plant. It is also a drop-off site where residents may dispose of yard waste for a small fee. Read more about all of the activities that take place at the Biosolids Handling Facility and why it as been recognized with an award from the Indiana Water Environment Association.

Fort Wayne’s Biosolids Handling Facility is located at 6202 Lake Avenue.

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Price of Biosolids

$12.20 per ton + tax with facility assistance

FREE to residents who load biosolids themselves.

Hours of Operation

Summer Hours

Winter Hours

April 1–Nov 30 Dec 1–March 30
Monday–Saturday: 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Monday–Friday: 7:00 AM–3:00 PM
Sunday: Noon–6:00 PM Saturday–Sunday: Closed
Loading time ends daily at 6:00 PM Loading time ends daily at 2:30 PM

*Facility is closed on City Holidays