In April of 2008, Mayor Tom Henry appointed the Clean Rivers Task Force to study options for funding sewer improvements. In late January, of 2009, the task force finished its study and submitted this report with recommendations to Mayor Henry. Here is a link to the report: Clean Rivers Task Force Recommendations
Between now and 2025, Fort Wayne City Utilities must invest nearly $240 million dollars to upgrade and improve the sewer system that serves the City’s oldest neighborhoods. In these areas, combined sewers carry sanitary sewage to the sewage treatment plant in dry weather. But when it rains or when snow is melting, the same sewers also carry stormwater runoff.
During wet weather there are times when the sewers cannot contain all of this combined sewage — and sending all of it to the treatment plant would overwhelm the plant. At these time, sewage is discharged into the City’s rivers at more than 40 locations.
Bringing the sewer system into compliance with state and federal regulations will require the construction of many sewer projects.
Clean Rivers Task Force Members
CRTF June meeting information – Part 1
CRTF June meeting information – Part 2
CRTF August meeting information
White Paper on Financing Alternatives