

All of the functions of Fort Wayne City Utilities are funded by rates and fees that customers pay for the services City Utilities provides. Residents of the Fort Wayne area only support City Utilities if they are customers — City Utilities does not receive any funding from property taxes.

Monthly rates and charges paid by water utility customers fund the operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of the drinking water distribution system, as well as the cost of treating drinking water and supplying water for fighting fires. Sewer utility customers pay for similar activities in the sewer system and for the treatment of sewage. The stormwater utility is funded by all properties inside the Fort Wayne City limits that have hard surfaces including roofs, sidewalks, driveways, parking lots and other areas that do not soak in rainwater runoff.

Funds paid into each utility may only be used to offset costs or making investments in that utility. Water funds cannot be used for sewer projects, and vice-versa. Administrative departments such as Customer Support are funded by a portion of revenue from each of the three utilities.

Rates are established by City Utilities (with the approval of the Board of Public Works and City Council) to generate only the amount of revenue needed to cover the expenses of each utility. The utilities do not make a profit. All revenue is used for maintenance, operating costs or utility system improvements. City Utilities does not have stockholders, so none of the utility revenue is paid out as dividends. All revenue is reinvested in the products and services supplied to customers. Although City Utilities does not pay taxes, approximately $9 million dollars per year is paid to the City of Fort Wayne as a payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT).

High Utility Bill Checklist

Have you received a City Utilities bill that was higher than you expected? If your bill from City Utilities goes up significantly, it could mean that you have a plumbing leak, that there is a problem with your water meter or it may just be that you have been using more water than you typically do. Use this checklist from City Utilities to help pinpoint the cause of the increase.

Water Usage Charge—Effective June 1, 2023

Metered Rates Per Month INSIDE CITY (100 cu. ft.) OUTSIDE CITY (100 cu. ft.)
First 2,500 cu. ft. $2.69 $2.96
Next 9,500 cu. ft. $2.51 $2.76
Over 12,000 cu. ft. $2.44 $2.68

Water Monthly Service Charge—Effective June 1, 2023

Size of Meter Monthly Service Charge
5/8″ $11.96 $13.19
3/4″ $11.96 $13.19
1″ $30.45 $33.53
1 1/2″ $68.20 $75.05
2″ $120.96 $133.09
2 1/2″ $120.96 $133.09
3″ $272.35 $299.62
4″ $484.15 $532.60
6″ $1,088.74 $1,197.64
8″ $1,936.06 $2,129.70
10″ $3,024.77 $3,327.28
12″ $3,024.77 $3,327.28

Fees for Damaged, Frozen, Lost, or Stolen Water Meter Replacement—Effective June 1, 2019

Meter Size Meter Only Radio Only Radio & Meter Pit Meter Only Pit Meter & Radio
5/8″ $134.18 $133.84 $201.18 $135.67 $202.67
5/8″ X 3/4″ $134.18 $133.84 $201.18 $135.67 $202.67
3/4″ $159.33 $133.84 $226.33 $160.82 $227.82
1″ $184.85 $133.84 $251.85 $186.34 $253.34

Sewage Service Charge—Effective January 1, 2024

Charge Per Month based on water meter size Inside City Outside City
5/8″ – 3/4″ $21.71 $27.14
1″ $45.05 $56.32
1 1/2″ $96.40 $120.50
2″ $161.75 $202.19
3″ $364.03 $455.04
4″ $628.55 $785.69
6″ $1,422.11 $1,777.64
8″ $2,528.43 $3,160.54
10″ $3,945.94 $4,932.43
12″ $5,679.33 $7,099.16

Sewer Consumption Rates—Effective January 1, 2024

Per 100 cu.ft.: Inside City Outside City
Residential $6.6446 $8.3057
Non-Residential, Non Food Establishment * *
Food Service Establishments $8.9527 $10.6138
Monthly Flat Charge:
Residential -Non-Metered Water Source $68.22 $85.28
Non-Residential Non Food establishment * *

* A meter on water source is typically required for non-residential accounts OR Per ERU to be calculated by City Utilities

Capital Improvement Surcharges—Effective January 1, 2024

Surcharge Area Click for map Charge per ERU Frequency
Neuhaus Area $20.00 Monthly
Rothman Road Area $22.50 Monthly
Tiernan Shed B Area $22.50 Monthly
Upper Ely $20.00 Monthly

Grinder Pump Station Maintenance Pricing — Effective January 1, 2023

Service Description Price
Service Call – during business hours $140
Service Call – after business hours $240
Replace Capacitors1 $49
Replace Fuses1 $35
Replace Breakers (Type 1)1 $65
Replace Breakers (Type 2)1 $112
Replace Breakers (Type 3)1 $294
Replace Motor Starters (Type 1)1 $104
Replace Motor Starters (Type 2)1 $168
Grinder Station Pumping1 $180

1 – The applicable Service Call price will be added to this price. Only 1 service call will be charged per Service trip (multiple services can be done on one trip).

Bulk Industrial Waste Charge—Effective January 1, 2024

All industrial waste suitable for disposal, which has been delivered by an approved Waste Hauler to the City’s Water Pollution Control Plant. For purposes of computing charges, a LOAD is defined as 1,000 gallons of tank capacity or any fraction thereof.

Discharge cost per 1,000 gallons $136.57
Billing Charge per bill $6.15

Bulk Domestic Waste Charge—Effective January 1, 2024

Discharge cost per 1,000 gallons $71.25
Billing Charge per bill $6.15

Industrial Pretreatment Section Monthly Evaluation Rates—Effective January 1, 2024

Type 1 $144.03
Type 2 $197.70
Type 3 $249.51

Industrial Pretreatment Section Evaluation Per Occurrence Rates—Effective January 1, 2024

Type 1 $432.10
Type 2 $593.10
Type 3 $1,214.85
Grab Compliance $220.87

City Utilities Grease Cooperative Pricing — Effective January 1, 2023

Program Fees Quantity* Unit of Measure*** Monthly Fee
Outdoor Grease Interceptor – Administrative Service Charge 1.00 Equivalent Outdoor Interceptor $16.25
Outdoor Grease Interceptor – 4 per year service 1.00 Equivalent Outdoor Interceptor $108.33
Outdoor Grease Interceptor – 6 per year service 1.00 Equivalent Outdoor Interceptor $162.50
Outdoor Grease Interceptor – 12 per year service 1.00 Equivalent Outdoor Interceptor $325.00
Indoor Grease Interceptor – Administrative Service Charge 1.00 Equivalent Outdoor Interceptor $17.92
Indoor Grease Interceptor – 12 per year service 1.00 Equivalent Outdoor Interceptor $212.50
Outdoor Grease Interceptor – Tank Cleaning** 1.00 Equivalent Outdoor Interceptor $125.00

* Quantity will be not less than 1.00, but could be anything above that, rounded to two (2) decimal places.
** This fee, once activated, will automatically roll off after 12 months.
*** Definitions:
Equivalent Outdoor Interceptor (EOI): 1.00 = 1,000 gallons, pro-rated by gallons for quantities about 1.00 (e.g., a 1,700 gallon interceptor would have a quantity of 1.70).
Equivalent Indoor Interceptor (EII): 1.00 = 250 gallon grease interceptor, increased by units of .25 for each EII above 1.00, minimum quantity is 1.00.

Exempt Water Radio and Meter Costs — Effective December 12, 2022

Meter Size Radio Meter Radio and Meter
5/8″ x 3/4″ $215.65 $314.68 $364.51
3/4″ $215.65 $351.18 $401.01
1″ $215.65 $382.85 $432.67
1 1/2″ $215.65 $681.90 $731.73
2″ $215.65 $874.23 $924.06
3″ $215.65 $1,815.90 $1,865.73
4″ $215.65 $1,805.90 $1,855.73
6″ $215.65 $3,663.90 $3,713.73
8″ $215.65 $4,285.90 $4,335.73
10″ $215.65 $7,454.90 $7,504.73
Hot Water Meter
5/8″ x 3/4″ $215.65 $598.38 $653.38
1″ $215.65 $969.52 $1,024.52

Exempt Water Monthly Meter Fee — Effective December 12, 2022

Meter Size Monthly Meter Fee
5/8″ x 3/4″ $8.38
3/4″ $8.71
1″ $9.00
1 1/2″ $11.93
2″ $13.78
3″ $22.81
4″ $22.71
6″ $40.54
8″ $46.51
10″ $76.92

Non-Potable Water Meters — Effective December 12, 2022

Meter Size Radio and Meter
1 1/2″ $3,184.23
2″ $3,274.23
3″ $3,449.23
4″ $3,621.23
6″ $4,025.23
8″ $4,592.23
10″ $5,139.23

Public Fire Protection—Effective June 1, 2023

Monthly charge based on size of connection INSIDE CITY OUTSIDE CITY
5/8″ $3.30 $3.63
3/4″ $3.30 $3.63
1″ $8.43 $9.27
1 1/2″ $18.92 $20.81
2″ $33.66 $37.03
2 1/2″ $52.60 $57.86
3″ $75.74 $83.31
4″ $134.63 $148.09
6″ $302.89 $333.18
8″ $538.48 $592.33
10″ $841.37 $925.51
12″ $1,211.57 $1,332.73

Private Fire Hydrant Rental—Effective June 1, 2023

INSIDE CITY Per Hydrant (Monthly) OUTSIDE CITY Per Hydrant (Monthly)
$41.92 $46.11

Private Fire Protection—Effective June 1, 2023

Monthly charge based on size of connection INSIDE CITY OUTSIDE CITY
1″ $0.38 $0.42
1 1/2″ $1.10 $1.21
2″ $2.34 $ 2.57
2 1/2″ $4.21 $4.63
3″ $6.77 $7.45
4″ $14.43 $15.87
6″ $41.92 $46.11
8″ $89.32 $98.25
10″ $160.63 $176.69
12″ $259.49 $285.44
16″ $552.95 $608.25

Stormwater rate per equivalent residential unit (ERU)—Effective July 1, 2019

Rate per month – $5.90 per ERU Rate per month – $4.75 per ERU

Stormwater Fee FAQs

All properties within the City of Fort Wayne pay a monthly fee to the Stormwater Utility.

Why am I paying a stormwater fee to City Utilities?

The stormwater fee paid by City Utilities’ customers is used to support and maintain the hundreds of miles of storm sewers and other structures used to control stormwater runoff and prevent unnecessary flooding and erosion. The fee also ensures proper treatment of stormwater, thus improving overall water quality as required by federal environmental regulations that govern stormwater. One might not think of stormwater as “dirty,” but the federal government is tightening its rules on how clean stormwater has to be in order for it to be discharged to a river. In metropolitan areas, stormwater may contain oil, grease and other chemical contaminants. The stormwater fee is the primary means of support for keeping the stormwater system up to date and working.

Who is required to pay?

All properties within the Fort Wayne city limits that have impervious surface such as concrete, asphalt, stone, building rooftops, etc. are charged a stormwater fee. This includes residential properties and non-residential customers – for example, commercial, industrial and institutional properties, churches, schools, businesses and government buildings.

Why am I paying a stormwater fee to City Utilities when I have no storm sewers and water stands on my lawn, street, sidewalk, etc.?

You don’t have to have storm sewers in order to contribute to the stormwater Fort Wayne is required to manage. To some degree, every property with “impervious” surface area contributes to the stormwater runoff that Fort Wayne has to manage. An impervious surface is one, such as concrete, stone or asphalt, which prevents water from soaking into the ground. Even if water stands on your property for a while, it drains into Fort Wayne’s stormwater system once it disappears. Water from your property may drain onto other nearby properties, then into storm sewers and ditches.

The drainage from my neighborhood goes into a pond. Why do I have to pay a stormwater bill to the City?

In order for the water to drain off your property and get to the pond, it probably goes through street inlets and storm sewer pipes. Those inlets and pipes are maintained by the Fort Wayne Stormwater Utility. If the water drains out of the pond into a storm sewer or a ditch, those facilities are maintained by the Fort Wayne Stormwater Utility. The fee that you pay to the Stormwater Utility helps to fund the operation and maintenance of those structures. Also, the City of Fort Wayne must comply with federal regulations on stormwater quality. A portion of the fee that you pay every month goes to pay the cost of regulatory compliance.

Miscellaneous Non-Recurring Rates—Effective June 1, 2019

Bad Check Charge $20.00
Reconnection Charge $28.00
Same Day Service-Reconnection Charge $56.00
Additional Trips $56.00 each
Special Service Charge $56.00
Door Hanger Fee $14.00
Service Call Charge $28.00
Unauthorized Usage Shut-Off Charge $71.00
Testing Meter for Accuracy $83.00
Service Shut-Off Charge $28.00
Shut-Off for Repairs Charge $28.00
Special Event Water Meter Set-Up Charge
Over 3″, the meter set-up charge will be equivalent to the actual costs of the Fort Wayne Water Utility in setting up the special event meter.
$383.00 up to 3″
Permanent Disconnection Charge $1,167.00


Residential: $0, $60 or $100 depending on credit score
Commercial: Varies depending on type on business

Individual Water Service Installations—Effective June 1, 2019

Service Size* Charge
Individual Water Service Installations (when performed by the Fort Wayne Water Utility) 3/4″ to 2″ $1,817.00

*For any service sizes not specifically listed, the water service installation charge will be equivalent to the actual cost to the Fort Wayne Utility in performing the installation.

Service Size* Tap Fee
Individual Water Service Installations – Tap ONLY (when performed by the Fort Wayne Water Utility) 3/4″ to 2″ $280.00

*For any service sizes not specifically listed, the tap fee will be equivalent to the actual cost to the Fort Wayne Water Utility in installing the tap.

Garbage—Effective January 1, 2025

$20.32 Per Month for a single family home, regular pick-up including recycling
$40.64 Per Month for buildings containing 2 – 4 units for regular pick-up including recycling
$4.00 Per Month for an extra garbage cart. No additional charge for an extra recycling cart.

Finance Charges—Effective July 1, 1998

Water 10% Current Balance
Public Fire Protection 10% Current Balance
Sewer 10% Current Balance
Stormwater 10% Current Balance
Garbage 10% Current Balance