Having a flood or sewer backup into your home is an experience everyone would like to avoid. There are things you can do to protect your family and your home as well as steps you should take if you do have this unfortunate experience. The following safety measures will help reduce the risk of your family and pets contradicting diseases associated with flood or sewage-contaminated waters.
- Avoid direct contact with flood or back-up water when possible. Children and pets should not play or come in contact with flood water.
- When cleaning up flooded areas, wear protective clothing and gear such as latex gloves and waterproof, impenetrable rubber boots to prevent exposure to sewage. You may contact the Department of Public Health to receive protective rubber gloves.
- Use disinfectant solution of laundry bleach (5.25% hypochlorite) for clean-up. You can make this disinfectant solution by mixing one part laundry bleach, such as Clorox, with nine parts water.
- After cleaning up, make sure to do the following before removing protective latex gloves:
- Sanitize or dispose of aprons and other clothing worn during the clean-up.
- Disinfect rubber footwear in a bucket using the bleach disinfectant described above.
- Disinfect buckets and other such materials used in the clean-up before storing them.
- Remove latex gloves from the inside out and wash hands for at least two minutes with warm water and a disinfectant soap to assure all skin surfaces are clean of contaminants.
- Place disposables in a sealed plastic bag for garbage collection.
- For further assistance and information, please contact:
- Fort Wayne Planning Department: 427-1140
- Fort Wayne City Utilities: 311 or 427-8311
- Indiana State Board of Health: (317) 383-6100
- Allen County Board of Health: 449-7561