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City Utilities Working Out Payment Plans to Keep Residents Connected

Citizens Square Building

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, City Utilities has led the fight against it by continuing to deliver high-quality water services to all customers.

For nearly seven months, beginning March 13, 2020, City Utilities has had a moratorium on shutoffs. But as a not-for-profit, public utility, an ongoing moratorium is unsustainable. On Monday, October 5, 2020, we ened the moratorium.

Throughout this difficult time, service representatives have been proactively calling customers behind on payments to help them set up generous payment plans to remain connected.

City Utilities is keenly aware of the importance of abundant, safe water to the coronavirus fight. Our Customer Support representatives can tailor plans to fit a customer’s needs and keep their water service connected. Customers can avoid disconnects by calling Customer Support at 427-1234, Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Customers needing financial assistance can go to their Township Trustee’s Office or call the United Way’s 211. They are working closely with numerous agencies in town. City Utilities maintains a Customer Relief Fund that works through the Salvation Army if customers cannot receive assistance from their Trustee’s Office.

While Governor Holcomb ended the moratorium on shutoffs in mid-August, City Utilities extended the policy of waiving late fees and disconnects through the beginning of October to help customers during these stressful times.

City Utilities urges all customers to update their contact information. In some cases, customers have old landlines listed that are no longer in service.