A small portion of Lake Avenue has lane restrictions for a Trail Project so the stormwater detour will use State Boulevard. The updated information is below and there is an attached detour map.
For immediate release: April 18, 2022
Traffic Alert -Anthony Boulevard
Stormwater Improvements Coming to North Anthony
Road Closure Begins Monday
Fort Wayne, Ind. — To make stormwater improvements in the North Anthony Area neighborhood, lane restrictions and a road closure will begin on Monday, April 18, 2022, on Anthony Boulevard between Berry Street and Lake Avenue.
For about three weeks, motorists wanting to go north or south of the area will detour using East State Boulevard, Coliseum Boulevard, Washington Boulevard, and Maumee Avenue while the project is under construction. The improvement will add a larger diameter stormwater pipe to increase capacity for the neighborhood. (see attached map)
Local traffic, those residents living along North Anthony between Lake and Berry will have access to their property. The intersection at Anthony and Columbia will be closed entirely during the construction, which is expected to last about 21 days, weather permitting.